Monday, December 23, 2019

Child Rearing Practice Among Filipino Family by Zaira de Leon

DONA REMEDIOS TRINIDAD ROMUALDEZ MEDICAL FOUNDATION FINAL PAPER FOR PSYCHIATRY MED- I CHILD REARING PRACTICE AMONG FILIPINO FAMILY SUBMITTED BY: ZAIRA NINA T. DE LEON MEDICINE- I Child rearing practices vary from culture to culture, influenced by a myriad of factors that include environment, education, income, family structure, religion and many others. Trends in childrearing differ even among people of the same culture in different economic and environmental situations. Thus, childrearing in urban and rural areas in the same country may be very dissimilar. Infant and childhood behavior and development are affected by parental expectations, caretaking, and†¦show more content†¦Among the important values are ; respect and obedience for elders; modesty and proper behavior, responsibility such as helping parents or siblings; friendliness; human concern and interaction with others or pakikisama; reciprocal feeling of obligation between two persons. Other Filipino values that are not as desirable are dependency, often carried into adulthood; shyness or hiya, a feeling of low self-esteem; and colonial mentality, the Filipino attitude of having a preferenc e for foreign things and ideas or consumer goods. To enforce the teaching or transmission of these values to the small child, authoritarianism was the rule. Physical punishment in different forms, from scolding or tongue-lashing, threatening, spanking, pinching, ear pulling, and sometime, whipping were resorted to. There are however contrasting childrearing practices between the traditional authoritarian parents and the younger parents of today who are more liberal, and more conscious of children’s rights. In contrast to the authoritarian upbringing which consists of prohibitions and constant admonitions for the child to stop touching, clowning, jumping or talking, climbing or running around, the more liberal parents tend to be responsive, indulgent and overprotective. They give constant attention and hardly make any demands on the children. Food, toys, and other rewards are promised to pacify the child. Among the

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